Trips and permissions
At Rockliffe Manor, we believe that outdoor experiences and school visits are an essential resource for the teaching of a broad and balanced curriculum. Educational visits provide children with memorable learning opportunities that help develop independence, self-confidence and responsibility.
Each year group will go on at least one educational visit each half term linked to an aspect of their topic work. Alongside visits off-site, the school will invite in speakers, groups, artists or other adults into Rockliffe Manor to enrich and extend experiences.
All letters can be found below with full details and permissions and payments (where applicable) are made on ParentPay.
The aims of our off-site educational visits are to:
- Enhance curricular and recreational opportunities for our pupils
- Provide a wider range of experiences for our pupils than could be provided on the school site alone;
- Promote the independence of our children as learners, and enable them to grow and develop in new learning environments.
Educational Visits begin with day or half day trips from Nursery and progress to residential experiences in Year 5 & 6.
For each subject in the curriculum there is a corresponding programme of activities (which can include visits to the school by specialists). Examples of educational visits or visitors include:
- English – theatre visits, visits by authors, poets and theatre groups
- Science – use of the school grounds, visits to museums
- Mathematics – use of shape and number trails in the local environment
- History – gallery / museum visits, study of local housing patterns, local museums
- Geography – use of the locality for fieldwork, school journey, town trails
- Art and design – art gallery visits, use of the locality
- PE – a range of sporting fixtures, extra-curricular activities, visits by specialist coaches
- Music – a variety of specialist music teaching, extra-curricular activities, local schools’ orchestra, concerts for parents to hear
- Design and technology – visits to local factories, design centres or model plane making groups
- ICT – its use in local shops/CLC/libraries/secondary schools etc
- RE – visits to local centres of worship, visits by local clergy
- PSHE and citizenship – visit to the fire station or a residential home, visits by local police officers and health workers